主要产品有:土壤耕作机械(圆盘犁、圆盘耙、铧式犁、旋耕机、旋耕灭茬机)、种植机械(小麦播种机、玉米播种机、撒播器)、植保机械(中耕机、起垄机、松土机、耕耘机、田园管理机)、收获机械(麦稻割晒机、土豆收获机)、场上作业机械(小麦脱粒机、玉米脱粒机)、农用拖车(手扶拖拉机配套拖车、1-10吨两轮、四轮拖车)、 公司产品以外向型为主,远销南美洲、非洲、俄罗斯和东南亚的30多个国家和地区。深受国内外用户的好评。 我们谒诚欢迎您的垂询、商洽和考察,共同合作,共创辉煌! 企业精神:一心一意求发展,尽心尽力为顾客。 Main product consists of disc plough, disc harrow, share plough, rotary tiller, rotary stubble crusher, wheat planter, corn planter, cultivator, soil ridger, soil loosener, wheat and rice harvester, wheat and corn thresher, tractor trailer, slasher, gearbox, plough and harrow discs, cultivation chisels and points, hand tools, etc. Moreover, we also can supply other products according to customer’s drawings and samples. We will satisfy our customers with the best products and services. We sincerely welcome your inquiry, visit and cooperation with us. 展开